Would Success Taste The Same If It Were Easy? |

Would Success Taste The Same If It Were Easy?

Have you ever seen a slideshow displaying the memorable moments of someone else’s life? Have you ever wanted to be the person in those photos?

I have, and I chuckled to myself. Imagine if life were just that easy… If all that we wanted was just handed to us on a gold platter and displayed neatly in a slideshow. Imagine how immensely boring success would be then. Stories of your success just given to you would dig more yawns from people than curiosity! Success, in my opinion, is more appetizing when earned.

Many emerging artists would surely have a pocket-full of anecdotes on that topic. With so many income-inducing options ready in the economy, pursuing a career in a creative field is already considered under the category of “going against the grain.” So, how is one supposed to make their debut?

Thankfully, there are like minded artists that work towards meeting a common goal; successStarry Night Exposure is one of those artist programs that caters to the style, needs, and growth of its artists to provide them with the exposure they deserve!

Success is possible, and we can prove it. Here’s what our Exposure artists had to say about their recent experience at Exposure NYC:

“As you already know it is quite difficult for an emerging artist to participate in this kind of event and get this exposure. You are giving us one of a kind chance.” -Karla Read


“The best aspect of working with the Starry Night Exposure Program was that I didn’t have to ‘work’ much at all. Representing oneself, particularly as an emerging artist, is a treacherous thing. Roughing it out in solitude was no longer as mandatory. I am very excited to see the Starry Night Programs advance as more and more artists realize how beneficial they are, and am honored to be an Exposure Artist” – Thomas Howard


A pencil is potentially useless, unless it’s sharpened and moved on a surface to make its mark. Similarly, wishes are of no use, unless they are transformed into goals, and achieved (step by step)!

If you’d wish to know more about our Exposure Program, have a go!