What’s Nuevo at the Residency?
With all the excitement around our upcoming Exposure programs and ART School, it’s really nice to enjoy the peaceful and productive environment on the grounds of Starry Night. Things really come full circle when you put together a show, such as our Exposure program, and the residency is at the heart of it all. This is where our programs all originated, and it is where the creativity begins — long before it’s framed and hung and shown.
Artists in Residence
We welcome our latest AIRs to Starry Night! Kelly Lanzendorfer from Pittsburgh, PA, and Luis De la Torre, from Chicago. We are all enjoying the sunshine and a warm, mild winter in Nuevo Mexico!

Artist in Residence Kelly Lanzendorfer, writer & photographer, enjoying the winter sunshine this afternoon.
Kelly captured the moon on her walk this morning!

On her morning walk from Starry Night, writer & photographer Kelly Lanzendorfer, holds a creosote sprig in the early twilight under the moon.
Luis’s Work in the studio
Luis has shown us some amazing photographs of his mosaic installations. Here is a peek at Luis’s current project in the studio, hand painted tiles:
We’re shedding light on Starry Night, literally. We’ve just finished hanging shiny new light fixtures on our patio! Every little improvement to the grounds of the residency gets us closer to our happy place.
Applications for Residency are open till February 15th
The deadline to apply for a residency is February 15th, 2015. We encourage emerging artists and writers to apply. Join us on facebook or send us an email – we’d love to hear from you.