Blog Archives

Select was a Success
We had a wonderful turnout for Select Fair and are so thrilled to report thousands of dollars of sales at Exposure New York. The artists we represented this year were just outstanding and everyone was very please with the turnout. Here is a look at some highlights from our VIP Party: Kicking off the VIP party the right way. […]

Attention Artists! Full Scholarship Available!
It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that we are announcing a totally FREE opportunity for artists: the ART School Scholarship Fund The best thing about having an online, professional practices program for artists is that we are able to give a full scholarship, valued at $849, away to an amazing artist in need. Are you ready to polish up […]

And Then our Director Went on a Rant
I don’t think making a living as an artist has to be a mystery. I just don’t. This may be a just a bit of a rant, but… It doesn’t have to be a mystery. This is my 15th year that I have dedicated myself to being an artist and I want to inspire you never give up either. My […]

Sunshine and Studio time at the Residency
Starry Night Residency Program This week at the Residency, our artists have been making great use of the studio. Here are Artists In Residence Caitlin Glennan, Libbet Loughnan & Amanda Martinez, fast at work in the studio. The spring has begun in the desert. We’ve been enjoying each others company around the fire pit at night and working outside […]

Deadline Extension for Frieze Week NYC
We’ve extended our Exposure application deadline to come to New York during Frieze week to April 10th at Midnight The Exposure program has partnered with SELECT Fair to curate our fifth exhibition and we are excited to return to New York May 13th – 17th. We invite all to join us and encourage visual artists to apply! Will you be […]

The Birth of ART School
After spending years working with artists in our Residency and Exposure programs, we continually saw the same questions and stumbling blocks popping up for artists. No matter if they were basking in the desert sun and making work in our quiet hot springs town of Truth or Consequences, or exhibiting their work at a bustling, international art fair like Art […]

How to Create a Great Application
We posted this a little while back, but it bears repeating. Our How to Create A Great Application video is already helping a lot of the artists who are currently in our programs, and we want to make sure you see it too, so we can help you get to where you want to go. But first, a little back […]