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Blog Archives

Creativity is Madness!!!

Posted by on July 11, 2014 in Career Development, Productivity, Residency | Comments Off on Creativity is Madness!!!

You start with an unspoken idea, a blank canvas and some tools to help you shape that idea. You start with the contours or you dive right in & then you take a step back. No. Not good enough. You dive in again, and you start building a momentum, a rhythmic dance almost. Your hands must capture your thoughts just right! If you can relate to […]

Artist Residencies

Posted by on April 11, 2014 in Productivity, Residency, Truth or Consequences | Comments Off on Artist Residencies

There are times when a person may want to have the best of both worlds. What those two worlds inhabit completely depends on that person’s perspective. Since this is a common tug-of-war between the multiple combinations of wants, many organizations have already started to put pieces together for us as artists! They’ve tried to give us the best of both worlds […]